Tasteful and well thought-out landscaping may add tens of thousands of dollars to the value of your property. Not only does it contribute to the value of your home, but it also makes for a great first impression. This has a variety of benefits, but if you’re planning on selling your home, this may be what you need to get your house moving quickly.
Does Landscaping Improve Value?
A well-landscaped home has a significant price advantage over a home with no landscaping. Depending on the part of the country you’re in, this advantage ranges from around five percent to 13 percent depending on the type of landscaping and the home’s original value. That translates into an extra $16,500 to $38,100 in value on a $300,000 home.
It’s important to consider that landscaping isn’t a matter of adding a few elements, but looking at the whole picture when it comes to your outdoor space. The number-one thing that buyers are looking for in landscaping is a well-kept layout and thoughtfully placed design.
Artificial Lawns
If you live in an area of the country where an arid, dry climate is the norm, artificial grass may provide your home with a quick value-add. Even if you don’t live in an arid, dry climate, the artificial stuff looks great and is easy to maintain.
Artificial grass eliminates the need to buy upkeep equipment or hire lawn maintenance companies. This type of turf can last up to 20 years, so you don’t need to worry about replacement if you plan to move within that time frame. In addition, artificial grass conserves water, which can significantly lower water bills. Who doesn’t like saving money?
Plan Your Landscaping Space!
There are Landscape Architects and design specialists for a reason! Lean on them for the best way to make use of your space.
A big landscaping mistake is not planning the space appropriately. They decide to put a tree in, and then a few years later add some flower beds, then maybe put in some shrubs and another tree. A disorganized landscape is no good and defeats the purpose of taking the time to make it special. Come up with a plan before you do any landscaping, lean on a local professional to help make it extra special.
Landscaping Tips And Tricks
If you’re looking to sell and make the most of your landscape there are a few things to consider. Cut fresh edges around your planting beds and make the extra effort to have a sharp, well-defined edge between grass and mulch or dirt. This gives the landscape a professional look.
Enlist the help of local professionals to help when in doubt!
Begin regular fertilizer treatments on your lawn to encourage lush lawn growth and deter a patchwork quilt-like look.
With these considerations, you’re well on your way to improving the value of your home and creating the curb appeal you need to sell your home quickly! Landscaping doesn’t have to be a tricky process and hiring a landscape designer can help set you up for success.
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